Tuesday, December 28, 2010

291210 - long way to happy

I am getting quite confused as the seven-day weather forecast is changing every day. Yesterday there was a 90% chance it would be raining all week, and today when I woke up it was sunny. They are now saying it is fining up and the rain is starting to go away.
Baloney, I say. Just from looking out now, in the past hour it's become not as sunny, there are grey clouds covering the sky, and in my opinion there is every chance it is going to rain. I'm not sure what these weather forecast people are on about.
Not that I'm hoping it will rain. For the first time in a long time, the creeks in the valley are full. Too full. There is flooding across most of the region, although the flood waters have gone down since Monday.

So it looks like it will be a wet new year. But it's still a new year. A chance to change things. And considering this will most likely be my last blog for the year, I'm going to do what I did last year.
First summer camp. First boyfriend of the year. First break-up of the year. Started year nine. First fight with my best friend. Death of a boy I grew up with (R.I.P. 060210) due to flood waters. Couldn't attend the funeral. Stopped writing in diary. Stopped writing all together. Had late night heart-to-heart conversations with Mum. Started hanging around with the wrong people. Grades dropped dramatically. Parent-teacher interviews - encouraged to sit with different people in class. Sat with different people in class (N block bogans). Grades picked up slightly. Started writing, very occassionally. Entered short story into literacy comp. Cousin killed in car accident. Series of fights with Dad. Stayed up all night talking to the boy I liked. Started dating the boy I liked. Birthday. Grandfather passed away. Grandfather's funeral. Passed most subjects. Christmas.
The end.
It's a lot longer than the one from last year, though unfortunately I can't compare as I don't have my laptop.
Overall I had a great year and I hope that next year is good too.
The wind is starting to pick up so now I'm waiting for it to start raining. I can't wait to see what the weather forecasters have to say.

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